Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer Snow Globe

Since my personal leap into the arena of daring greatly, I've found myself over and over reflecting on the powerful, inspirational energy created when women come together with genuine intent, and share their light.

My most notable reflection on this point came at 2 AM last Saturday morning as I sat on our boat at Lake Powell under a pitch black sky blazing with the brilliance of a zillion stars.  The moon had yet to rise, and the 360 degree view, from horizon to horizon and as high as I could imagine, was mesmerizing.  Sandstone cliffs were dimly lit in the distance, the sound of gently rippling water tickled the night, and I was all alone in the conscious silence of this heavenly place. 

I felt like a tiny creature looking up from the base of a summer snow globe. 


Breathe in the powerful light of so many individuals coming together....feel it....absorb it....remember it....

Immense, natural, brilliant.  

Just like SASI.  

The coming together of sparkling individuals to create a palpable power; sharing it; reflecting it; being it.

I realized in that moment that defining and living our SASI is important for us as independent, powerful women, yes; but the importance is magnified thousands of times over when we stop to consider (and allow ourselves to be a part of and touched by) the coming together of so many individually sparkling beings.  

So in the spirit of IGE and SASI, I invite you to continue to step into the arena with me and help harness the power of our individual SASIs. Together, we will light our beloved globe with our collective brilliance.

Define Your SASI - Oh So SASI !

On April 26-27, I spent the weekend at stunning Zion National Park with a group of amazing women who rocked the world with their powerful honestly, sincerity, and willingness to share some pretty personal stuff in the name of Defining their SASI.   

To each of you - for allowing the rest of us to bask in your unique brilliance and share in your journey - thank you.  To those who could not be there this time, here are some comments from our inaugural participants...I hope they will inspire you to join us at a future retreat.  It will be my distinct pleasure to welcome you!

  • "I didn't know going into it what I needed to get out of it, and was surprised and impressed with the process to discover and define my SASI."
  • "Thank you for the retreat. It was really powerful for me." 
  • "It was fun to make new friends who are also growing and trying to make sense of our world."
  • "You don't charge enough!"  
  • "This is an incredibly valuable process and approach. I learned a lot about myself."
  • "Well organized, thoughtful, and timely." 
  • "It's great to formulate my purpose in a fun, easy to remember way."
  • "You are inspiring. Thank you!"
  • "I'll definitely be back."

Stay tuned for details on our next date and location, and thanks to this first group of Inspiring Girls/SASI women for sharing your awesome sparkle!