Monday, July 22, 2013

Toothy Milestone

It's official:  our no-longer-so-little girl (she turned six not quite two months ago) lost her first tooth last night!  It's been loose "since she was five" and she was adamant that it must come out on its own.  A pasta dinner finally did the trick.  And boy those baby teeth are tiny!

She was more excited to go to bed last night than she has been all summer, diligently placing her tooth in the Tooth Pillow her grandma made.  We'll see when she wakes up this morning if the Tooth Fairy made a visit.  

I have a feeling that kicking off our week with a big, thankfully painless milestone on Sunday evening bodes well.  It could be a kicker (much like Luji's pronouncement that her two top teeth might come out on the same day, which judging by the looseness-factor could literally be any time). 

Here's to wishing you a week with at least one milestone - no matter how small. 


Update:  The Tooth Fairy has apparently adjusted for inflation since we were kids: she left a $1 bill for that tiny little tooth.  When I asked if she would save it or spend it, Luji's answer was "keep it."  Followed by, "It's funny that we celebrate the 1 because we need to really celebrate what it means - so we should celebrate the dollar instead!"  

Ah, financial (and life) advice from a six-year-old.  Can't beat that milestone.