Thursday, March 21, 2013

On Dolphins and Dreams

When I was 10, I wanted to be a marine biologist. I wanted to study whales and swim with dolphins. I knew it would require getting a college degree, and while I did not fully understand what that meant (no one in my family had gone to college), the idea was cemented that college was the path to the work I wanted to do. 

My marine biology dream was put on the shelf a couple years later because, at the ripe old age of 12, I decided that since I did not live by the ocean, being a marine biologist was not a realistic possibility.  And while my logic for not pursuing that dream was flawed, looking back I realize my commitment to going to college was cemented.  What I could not have anticipated at the time though, was just how much I would gain from my college education.  It was so much more than a necessary step down a career path.

A college education is not simply a means to an end.  It is part of our individual evolution, and what we get out of it is personal and unique to us.  Consider this:

In college:

  We choose, often for the first time, what we will study. 
  We are introduced to new ideas, different perspectives, and challenging situations that require us to analyze how we feel about certain issues, and why.
  We get to practice integrating new concepts and unfamiliar approaches with familiar ideals in a safe environment where learning is what is expected of us.
  We develop tools to cope with these challenges, and to continue to grow into them as time goes on.

This daily practice of integrating what we learn - from professors in class, from new friends with diverse backgrounds, and from the extracurricular activities we choose to be a part of - into our personal and professional choices, impacts our future decision-making capability in immeasurable ways.

Like so many others, I approached college as the first step to building a career. Thankfully, though, I also embraced my college education as more than a means to an end.  The critical thinking, concept integration and decision making skills I put to the test in college have helped me every day since in my quest to be my best self: as a woman, a mother, a partner, a successful professional, and a life-long learner. 

Unlike that naive 12-year-old girl who put her dream of swimming with the dolphins on the shelf for what, at the time seemed an insurmountable obstacle, I now know how to consider, analyze, and make the best choices for myself and those I care about.  And I have my college education to thank for it.