Thursday, May 9, 2013

Define Your SASI - Oh So SASI !

On April 26-27, I spent the weekend at stunning Zion National Park with a group of amazing women who rocked the world with their powerful honestly, sincerity, and willingness to share some pretty personal stuff in the name of Defining their SASI.   

To each of you - for allowing the rest of us to bask in your unique brilliance and share in your journey - thank you.  To those who could not be there this time, here are some comments from our inaugural participants...I hope they will inspire you to join us at a future retreat.  It will be my distinct pleasure to welcome you!

  • "I didn't know going into it what I needed to get out of it, and was surprised and impressed with the process to discover and define my SASI."
  • "Thank you for the retreat. It was really powerful for me." 
  • "It was fun to make new friends who are also growing and trying to make sense of our world."
  • "You don't charge enough!"  
  • "This is an incredibly valuable process and approach. I learned a lot about myself."
  • "Well organized, thoughtful, and timely." 
  • "It's great to formulate my purpose in a fun, easy to remember way."
  • "You are inspiring. Thank you!"
  • "I'll definitely be back."

Stay tuned for details on our next date and location, and thanks to this first group of Inspiring Girls/SASI women for sharing your awesome sparkle!


  1. Still inspired from the retreat! Thank you!! Anjali

    1. I'm so glad! Stay tuned for the information on the next one!


Please share your comments and inspiring stories with our growing community of Inspiring Girls!