Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Natural Habits

I love change!

It’s true. I love it. In fact, I thrive on it. I seem to always have about 20 ideas floating around in my head, five or six of which are getting intense amounts of energy at any given time, helping me move towards those things that bring me true, soulful joy. Most never get past the idea phase, some make it to the pilot phase, and a select few become reality. It is exciting! Interesting! And challenging.

Finding the time to actually build multiple ideas at once, while being a great mom, wife, friend, professionally successful, and still taking care of myself is hard. We all know what it's like. So, like most of us, what suffers the most for me? Yep. You got it…my fitness. And especially now, with all the other amazing changes currently going on in my life, I know I need to shift my focus and once again make physical fitness a part of my natural daily routine.

Easier said than done.

Fresh baked bread, French pastries, the darkest chocolate, and red wine hold spots on my "makes life worth living" list. Physical exercise – just for the love of doing it – is on that list too, but has slipped from my foundational ‘must haves’ in my day-to-day existence. This is no longer OK. I want an active lifestyle where physical exercise happens naturally, because I love it. It simply must become as much a part of my being as parenthood or friendship. I’ve had it in the past, and I want it back.

Easier said than done.

Lucky for me, I have my Inspiring Girls: Luji, Amy, Mo, Shelly and Missy, to help me focus on giving myself this gift by reminding me what's best for me, everyday. Amy recently hiked to a mountain peak and we already know the inspiration Luji shares as she scoots around the house. These are the things that help me remember why physical activity can no longer be something I might not get done in a day: I want to be around for a LONG time to love my family and friends, share their experiences, see Luji grow into a loving mother and happy, beautiful, successful woman. And I want for her a lifestyle of healthy eating and a natural love of physical activity of all kinds, formed by experiences we share as our family matures. And I know, as her mom, it starts with me.

So, a toast (with Veuve, of course!) to making physical activity a natural part of our day – for ourselves and for those we love. It’s the kind of shift that may require laser focus in the beginning, one that I am 100% ready to take on. A stepping stone on my path to soulful joy. Won’t you come along?

PS: Thanks for the inspiration. I’m off to yoga!