OK, Inspiring Girls and Guys, here we go!
Q3 International is official! Check out our website at www.q3international.com, share it with your friends, colleagues, and anyone else you think might benefit from knowing that we are open for business. And don't forget to download our brochure (located on the About Us page).
We know from experience that word of mouth and referrals from those we respect is the most powerful marketing tool, and I believe deeply in your personal power to help us share our message and build our business. Here's a heartfelt thank you for everything you have already done, and appreciation in advance for what each of you will do to support our efforts going forward.
News to Date
Our soft launch in July brought us an inspiring new client and my work line-up for September includes speaking at the Cities of Culture in Nature seminar and China International Friendship Cities conference in Chengdu, China.
Exciting...check. A little intimidating...yes. An adventure to savor...absolutely!
How IGE Fits In
I'm going to keep this blog as my forum for personal and professional thoughts and inspiration. That is how it was originally intended, and while I admit that in the past I've used it far more to share personal perspectives than professional insights, for me it's all interconnected and it would feel insincere to create a new blog for professional thoughts only. In addition, our amazing group of Inspiring Girls (and Guys) continues to grow - thank you! - so I feel like we're onto something here. No reason to mess up a good thing, huh? Let's keep the momentum going! (You can do this simply by encouraging your friends and colleagues to follow IGE!)
IGE Blog will no doubt evolve and the path it will forge remains to be seen, but for now it just feels right to keep it intact and really boost activity. So I'm going with it.
IGE Blog will no doubt evolve and the path it will forge remains to be seen, but for now it just feels right to keep it intact and really boost activity. So I'm going with it.
On a Personal Note
For us to officially be embarking on this journey - one where my professional passions, experience, and expertise are melted together into an entrepreneurial endeavor, feels so right. Q3 International reaches across the world and provides a tangible way to include my family in my goals for giving back in a meaningful way. It feels, dare I say...intensely satisfying!
It's true that remembering to enjoy every moment while still looking ahead with enthusiastic anticipation is challenging, but staying true to myself means embracing it all with a smile in my heart. It's simply the only way I know to forge ahead. And I'm up for it!
It's true that remembering to enjoy every moment while still looking ahead with enthusiastic anticipation is challenging, but staying true to myself means embracing it all with a smile in my heart. It's simply the only way I know to forge ahead. And I'm up for it!
So, as my summer of thinking, and creating, and building, transitions to an autumn of hard work, adventure, and promise, it brings me sincere pleasure to share our exciting news with you and ask for your ongoing support and help in spreading it.
Thank you for being a part of our adventure!