Friday, December 12, 2014

Pleasant Dreams

Oh, to be seven and awake with pleasant dreams on your mind!  And OH! To be a seven-year-old's mom, blessed with Luji's happy morning greeting:

   "Good morning!  I had the most pleasant dream."

   "You did?  What was it about?"  

   "I don't remember for sure, I just remember that it was SO pleasant."

   "Well, how was it pleasant?"

   "It was about me training wild horses and showing them at horsey shows.  I didn't use a helicopter, you know, because I didn't want them to be scared or rounded up.  So I hung food inside a gate and when the horses came to get food, and they pulled down on the food, the gate closes.  I don't, like, sell them, I just keep them and then after a while I might let them go. Or I might keep some of the stallions and the mares so I can have babies. Then I'll train the babies and keep them for a while with their mom and dad, and then let them go after the babies don't need milk anymore, you know?" 

   "And why do you let them go?"

   "Because then I'd have a lot of horses and they probably wouldn't be able to go into the wild again.  I might sell them but I won't put tags on their ears and stuff."  

As dreams tend to go, there was never a clear reason for letting the horses go after they'd been trained, and really, isn't that the beauty of dreaming?  There doesn't have to be a clear intention for doing things a certain way or coming to a certain outcome - we can just accept that there will be twists and turns and unexplainable reasons for doing the things we do in dreams. And we are totally OK with it because, after all, it's a dream.

So today, let's welcome a little pleasant dreaming into our day.  Let's allow ourselves the luxury to just be … no explanations, outcomes, or justifications needed.  

Today, let's DREAM SaSi.