This post is a special request from Luji. I made her sad the other night by washing off, without talking with her first, the pink unicorn painted on her cheek. Oops. Needless to say, I felt terrible but couldn’t help but smile when she asked me, through tear-filled eyes, if I would write a blog about her unicorn.
How could I possibly say no?
I kept my word and started writing the next morning. But it just wasn’t flowing. To our dismay, several more tries throughout the day yielded no further progress. Today I finally clued in and asked her what she wanted to say about her unicorn. This is what she said:
“That it was so pretty. And I liked it so much. And that I did not want it to go away. And that we are going to have a unicorn picture on the blog.”
What did you like best about it, I asked. “I liked that it had sparkles!” she answered with a smile, her little fingertips tapping her cheek.
This thoughtful child and her sparkly unicorn have again reminded me to be careful not to underestimate the power of little things.
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